This post was going to start off as something else end with a linked in video but grew into something else.
Nu-metal or rap-matel gets a bad rap, no pun intended. "Good" nu-metal honestly wasn't that bad. I'm talking Korn's first album, SOAD (I guess), early Mudvayne (not fan but respect it), Snot....well...there wasn't that much "good" nu-metal. Still, it had promise. That is, until something happened.
What was that something you ask? Or not b/c 99% of you have no interest in this subject. Well, I'll tell you anyway. That something was the song "I'm on the Outside" by Staind. Let me give you a little background on Staind. One day several years back, my buddy Greg Kendall called me and said "You gotta check out this song "Mudshovel" by this new band "Staind" and I did. And it rocked. Quite. Based on the strength of that song, I bought the album. Mistake, the rest of the album did not rock. It tried but failed. A year or so later, Mr Aaron Lewis from Staind did a live song called "I'm on the Outside" as a duet with a certain Mr. Fred Durst from Limp Bisquick. Slow, sensitve, catchy...everyone loved it, much like a Cyndi Lauper song except her songs were a bit faster paced. This song made Staind a lot of money and F#ck Durst even more money. All of a sudden, all these so called tortured, hard-core nu-metal bands saw where the money was at and went emo. Slipknot went on to release a whole album of "Wait and Bleed" clones (Iowa) that sucked and then the lead singer did a solo project (Stone Sour) that was just this side of maple syrup. Staind quickly pounced on the formula and added a studio version of their break through "I'm on the Outside" on their next album along with an equally accesible "It's Been Awhile". Mudvayne is still on the radio but there original sound is all but gone.
What brought this about you might ask if you're still reading. Good question. I was on my way home from a hockey game tonight and the Staind's Mudshovel song came on the radio. 10 or so years and that song still rocks. I will never not like that song and I couldn't help but still feel disappointed about what that all metamorphisized (yeah sp!) into.
This post brought to you by: HockeyMonkee -> DrunkeeMonkee -> MetalMonkee yeah, it's a progression.
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